HTML Tables

Tables in HTML are defined with the Table tag.
A table is divided into rows with the tr tag, which stands for table row, and each row is divided into data cells with the td tag, which stands for table data. A td tag can contain text, links, images, lists, forms, other tables, etc.


No. Name Professional
1 Sachin Cricket
2 Lionel Messi Football
3 Roger Federer Tennis

Table CellPadding and CellSpacing

The cellpadding and cellspacing attributes are used to adjust white space inside a table.
The cellpadding adjust the white space between table cell border and its content.
The cellspacing adjust the white space between table cells.


No. Name Professional
1 Sachin Cricket

Spanning Multiple Rows and Cells

Spanning allow you to extend columns and rows across multiple other columns and rows.

Normally, when we creating a table cell, it cannot pass over into the space below or above another table cell. But, you can use the colspan attribute to span multiple columns and rowspan attribute to span multiple rows in a table.


Name Info
1 Sachin Cricket
2 Lionel Messi Football